Notes From
The Studio

© 1997
By Lisa Skolnik, Columnist Chicago Tribune
On Form: "I see myself as a painter of
peasant baroque," quips Silin-Palmer, "and viewing my work in
the tradition of Italian furniture helped me create and develop
my three-dimensional trompe l'oeil technique. I plan each tableau
from the bottom up, and have the furniture actually built to
match each concept." Pieces can be as simple as an armoire trimmed
with metal straps or a fantastical bed of roses. "Basically,
I'm playing games with both the wood and paint."
On Substance: Silin-Palmer's
creations are not only extraordinary and unique, they necessitate
and active
and far-reaching imagination. For inspiration, "I spend hours
in museums looking at things, I listen to Renaissance music when
I work and I read Shakespeare, " She says. "I also try to explore
every alternative whenever possible," she points out, noting
that she's tried "every conceivable option with the cube, " or
mine her memory for "different pictorial images from history
that I reinterpret into three-dimensional formats."
On Getting Started: Surprisingly
Silin-Palmer works without preliminary sketches for her work. "I visualize
each piece in my head, and they come into being. Putting something
on paper first can be limiting," she maintains, though when a
new idea is germinating, she often discusses it with a carpenter
she commissions to build the type of piece she needs to execute