Pamela Silin-Palmer
Decorative Artist, Illustrator and Fine Artist
The Love Poems
of Honniker Winkley

"Pignic in Golden Gate Park" by P. Silin
Dining room mural at the Mansion Hotel, San Francisco
I speak not of your grown porkers -- things between pig and pork -- those hobbydehoys -- but a young and tender suckling -- under a moon old -- guiltless as yet of the sty -- his voice as yet not broken, but something between a childish treble and a grumble -- the mild forerunner of a grunt.

He must be roasted.

Behold him, while he is "doing" -- it seemeth rather a refreshing warmth, than a scorching heat, that he is so passive to. How equably he twirleth round the string! Now he is just done. To see the extreme sensibility of that tender age! he has wept out his pretty eyes -- radiant jellies -- shooting stars.

See him in the dish, his second cradle, how meek he lieth! -- wouldst thou have had this innocent grow up to the grossness and indocility which too often accompany maturer swinehood?

Pig -- let me speak his praise -- is no less provocative of the appetite, than he is satisfactory to the criticalness of the censorius palate. The strong man may batten on him, and the weakling refuseth not his mild juices.

Charles Lamb,
from "A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig"

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